Rongxiang Su graduates
Rongxiang Su defended his PhD dissertation titled “Sensing Human Activity and Interaction Patterns through Movement Observations” in December 2023. Congratulations Dr. Su! Dr Su starts a new PostDoc position at the MIT Senseable City Lab.AAG-SAM Emerging Scholar Award 2022
February 2022–Somayeh receives the 2022 Emerging Scholar Award from the Spatial Analysis and Modeling (SAM) Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers. SAM Business Meeting at the AAG Annual Meeting, 26 February 2022. Spatial Analysis and Modeling Specialty Group Newsletter VOLUME 42 ISSUE 1 2022 (FEBRUARY)MOVE at AAG 2022 Annual Meeting
Grad students Seonga Cho and Zijian Wan received travel awards from the Spatial Analysis and Modeling (SAM) Specialty Group of American Association of Geographers (AAG). Congratulations! MOVE is attending the AAG 2022 Annual Meeting virtually. Find us in the following sessions (Times are displayed in US Eastern Time and Pacific Time): Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and ...Movement Visualization
Mapping and Visualization of Motion This research focuses on understanding how humans perceive movement visually. Movement is realized in both a three- (or four-) dimensional space (i.e. location and time) and a multidimensional attribute space (i.e. context variables). The syntheses of these two spaces need new effective tools for dynamic visualization of the traversal of a ...NSF CAREER Award 2021
Somayeh Dodge received a Faculty Early Career Development Program Award from the National Science Foundation from the National Science Foundation for the project titled CAREER: Modeling Movement and Behavior Responses to Environmental Disruptions. This interdisciplinary project will transform research and education in geographic information science by integrating information on both spatial and temporal change using ...Conference Presentations
Rongxiang wins the Best Paper Award for his presentation at ACM SIGSPATIAL HANIMOB workshop 2021 2 November 2021: Rongxiang presented a paper on “A time-geographic approach to quantify the duration of interaction in movement data“, at HANIMOB’21: the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Animal Movement Ecology and Human Mobility. He received a best paper award ...Paid research position at the UCSB MOVE lab
The UCSB Department of Geography seeks a graduate student to design and conduct a cognitive study to evaluate visualization of movement data. To apply and for more information, please contact Dr. Somayeh Dodge ( The MOVE Laboratory ( at the Geography Department at UC Santa Barbara is seeking a research assistant with a background in Spatial Cognition, ...Mobility and COVID-19
Modeling of the effects of NPIs in COVID-19 transmission Browse visualizations here: covid19-mobility-vis MOVE starts a new interdisciplinary collaboration with the UCSB Geography, Computer Science, Statistics and Applied Probability Departments, and the Information Systems and Modeling Group of the Los Alamos National Lab. The research is funded by VCR COVID-19 Seed Grants Program. The aim is to ...Students Fellowships and Awards
Spring 2021 announcements: As we approach the end of the 2020-2021 academic year, we wanted to share recent news about members of our lab. It’ll be a busy and productive summer for everyone! MOVE Lab undergraduate research assistant Jovany Cota has been awarded a summer internship from the UCSB California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP) undergraduate research ...AMD2021: Advancing Movement Data Science
Advancing Movement Data Science (AMD’21) At the 11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2021), 27 September 2021, Virtual workshop AMD 2021 workshop is the 4th workshop in the pre-GIScience conference AMD workshop series, co-organized by Dr. Dodge. This workshop pursues three aims. First, to provide a platform to discuss the state of the art in this ...